A - Yue 《OK》 Live 音乐会 @ NTU.
你OK 我OK 大家都OK!!

I din know that so many people likes 张震岳's songs too! I was pretty amaze by the no. of ppl queing there when I reached. Aidi got the tics for me upon my request. THANKS! Kid was supposed to go with me but she last min dunno y gt lesson at nite. Wq went wif me instead. Thanks ger! The waiting time to get into the LT is pretty long. Admission suppose to be at 6.30pm but we ended up entering the LT only about 1hr plus ltr. The LT is seriously packed! All seats filled up and ppl sittin on the steps. Everyone was cheering loudly when A-Yue and Free 9 came out. BTW Free 9 is his band.

He started with 《思念是一种病》。 Its the 1st song but the people are preparing to get high. They are already clapping along with the song. The crowd went crazy when he sang 《漧妹妹》,《分手吧》。 I love these 2 old songs of him. Everyone seems to know the song and singing along with him, Really getting high with these 2 songs. 

Peifen came out after that to interview him. She asked him about 《我爱台妹〉that song. He said 2 years back 候佩岑 & 林志玲(not sure if the characters are right) were like the 女神 that every guys like. But since they dunno them, lookin ard at the gers beside them, they are not bad as well. Thats why they came out with the “我爱台妹 台妹爱我 对我来说候佩岑算什么 我爱台妹 台妹爱我 对我来说林志玲算什么” He said 候佩岑 比较聪明, 听得懂里面的幽默。 Issn't him indirectly hinting 林志玲more dumb? ahah. watever it is, i had a good laugh and most of the audience there had too.
After that he continued with new album song 《小宇》,《路口》。 Everyong stood up when he sang《OK》.  HIGH is the only word to describe the atmosphere then, I seriously din know the people will be so High one lor. Waving, claping,screaming, shouting, ahaha. its not only gers k. many guys there too! It really shows how people really like and appreciate his music. He is really a successful 音乐人! He ended with a very high 《再见》。The minute he went backstage, everyone was shouting ENCORE. The Encore volume overlapped Peifen voice and i couldn't catch whats she was saying until she asked everyone to stop shoutin 1st. I think they din wanted to sing anymore cos Peifen delayed for quite awhile, saying that they are abit tired, asking if we 忍心这样对待我们的偶像?He is not my ido for sure but i appreciate his music, of cos wan him to sing more. They finally came out and everyone shouted 《爱我别走》! This song is like a national song. everyone knows it so well and singing so loudly. This song is a classic of A-Yue. Is really one of his 代表作。The concert with this superb song! 
Autograph session began after that. Many people went over to the CD Rama booth to get his album and a long que to go up stage to obtain his signature. AiDi had helped me to get a album and has passed him the album to sign and also wrote my name on it. hee THANKS ALOT! AIDI! 

haha nice shoot rite? captured the right moment!

My Album!

 To ME! hehe

With pretty DJ PeiFen!


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