Woo WOo Woo! Its such a fun n happy day!! ahaha

Woke up super early to go to airport to send xiaoYa off and also hoping to see Mayday, esp aShin! N yea, I saw Mayday n alot other extra bonus :) There were securities guard n police guarding by the entrance. Yoga was 1st to arrived. He looks like he just woke up, still quite blur. He walked over to the private check-in area but I continued to wait at the entrance. Fish arrived. She is really short! She was not wearing heels somewhere my height only. She looks so small when surrounded by her crew ppl. Followed by Joanna arrived. She looks so much better without the curly hair! She is really skinny and tall! After waiting and waiting, I went over to join Xinyi n the rest, glance through the hole n saw Yoga sitting there. I though he wore abit matured today. Perhaps its 21 and he wants to look more formal. Den I saw that big van, the one that I know Mayday will be in! ahaha. I went over to the end of the check-in row, waited for them to walk over. Of cos I'm just searching high n low for aShin! hehe. Den I spot the familiar hat!!! Standing at the side, I was looking at him n he saw me! I showed him the envelope that I want to give him, with a postcard in it. I was really surprised indeed, when aShin walked slightly over to my side and stretched out his hand! I was still thinking what shd I do. I know he saw me but if he didn’t make any move, I won't be able to pass to him cos the policewoman was already wanting to shoo or block me when she knows that I'm communicating with aShin! I was so super high after he took my letter and holding in his hand. He didn't pass to his working crew. :) My friend saw him walking in with the letter, sat down, bent down and most prob he kept in his luggage cos after that. The letter is not in sight anymore. haha. After that we bid farewell with xiaoYa and she went in. Yoga was inside and he was laughing at xiaoYa! I guessed he must be asking her wats inside the big plastic bag and shocked to hear that there are 17boxes of pandan cake that she is bringing back! haa. He bowed to her. lol. Den da zui ba arrived. Aisha is really pretty! She is wearing short dresses again with super high heels. My friend called out to her and she is really nice. Posing for us to take photo, don't mind interacting with us, sitting very near us. All of them were sitting near the some sort of barricade. They posed for us to take photo and their actions really quite funny la. Oh yar and the gon zuo ren yuan is cute too. Looks like 霍建华! Me and xy saw him on Fri. I guessed he recognised us cos he kept staring! I was so paiseh when I walked over to the hole for the very 1st time and looking in, he was right in front of me looking too. I hide immediately. haa. I can't imagine that the super cool DJ actually moving his body while waving back to us! So supper funny. And they seem so comical inside. The beat box guy threw the passport onto the floor. haha. The gong zuo ren yuan turned and looking at our direction when he was already inside the immigration area. Joanna was waving and they said da zui ba was teasing him. haha.  Den we went upstairs to bid the very last farewell to xiaoYa and we saw Mayday, as usual, eating at the food court! But this time round, I didn't saw aShin trying to 耍帅, trip already still acting cool.  Overall, its a fun, happy, alot of crapping day together with xinyi, joanna, liying and chewhung. xiaoYa, take care! Hope to see you soon!!!


Photos Session!


1st pix: Masa standing, Stone beside Masa, aShin sitting beside Stong, Ming beside aShin

2nd pix: Monster in MAYDAY 7TH BE HAPPY TEE





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