Today was the 1st SIM - Photography Club outing. YES, i joined the photography club. haha. I hope to get more ideas and learn how to capture more nice photos! Taking photos act like a diary to me. Allowing me to remember and recall on the fond memories. So yea, I joined the club! :)

Some of the shoots tat i took today. The outing to chinatown.

Cute Kids.



My favourite shoot!


Its US!


I'll upload more pics when I received them. I guess I enjoyed taking photos of people more than buildings and stuffs. I wanna do landscape shooting too! Hope I'll get to see the pretty sunrise again and be in time to take a photo of it!

Side track abit. I saw Huang Yi Ling filming his self directed movie at Chinatown. Phyllis Quek, Nat Ho and Wang Xin are the cast. Nat Ho is good looking! haha. I took a photo with him way back in Jan during Kung Fu DUnk gala premiere. :)


The day ended with attending Lun's 21st Birthday party. Its quite a fun night, chatting with jessica, florence n lun. Lun has the criteria to be a good waiter. He keeps serving us with food! Good service!!! wahaha. Happy Birthday! :)


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