Sat- 28/6/08

I went ECP to cycle with Kid & Cindy. Cindy's mum went along too, to have a stroll and enjoy the sea breeze. Upon some discussion, we decide to patron the bicycle shop that they rent their bikes with when they went last week. That shop is goo la. I shall explain why later. Upon my request, we set off to Big Splash. I wanna visit that place since it is newly revamp. I saw the kangaroo jump thingy. Not many people playing it though but I wanna try! Should be fun, i guess, jumping here and there. haha. And yea, I visited Old Town that is opened by Mark Lee and some other celebrities. Hmm, I tried their famous Ice Blended White Coffee. Its nice to my liking. I don;t mind going back for a 2nd cup since it isn;t too expensive. 3.90 for a cup of it. Kid ate the Ipoh Hor Fun. Its soup and not sauce base lor. So weird la. Its like guay tiao soup. haa. I also tried their Icy Fury Polo Bun. Only the name sounds nice. The bun its just NORMAL with abit of saltish taste in the middle. We had only cycled for less than 30mins and we were there, sitting, resting. haha. We continued our adventure after filling our tummies. This time round, we are aiming all the way to Changi Beach path.

Well down, I fell AGAIN. I fell at that same long stretch of path again, next to the runway track. The difference is, this time round, I fell at the start of the stretch of the path!!! -_- I'm suppose to turn right but i was Looking at the mirror and did not manage to turn in time. Luckily, I grab hold of the lamp post when I knew I'm going to fell. If not, I think i will just 沖 out of the path and onto the road and what if there is a oncoming vehicle at a super fast speed, I think I will just be pronounced dead on the spot. That thought shivers me. I know I'm scaring myself but its really dangerous la. Lucky I did not really injured myself badly. Its just abit 擦到 at my palms and on my right calf. Its really nothing compared to my previous fell, whereby I left a scare on my right arm.
The above are the wounds from my previous fell when I went with my colleagues - Samantha, Coco & Huai Quan.
No pictures this time round as my dear kid did not bring here camera along as she though that I will bring. I think the same way as her too. lol

Here comes the funny part when we were resting at 1 of the shelter along the long path. We are only 3.1km away from Changi Beach when the whole distance is about 7.9km, starting from the Safra Chalet. Cindy notice something weird with Kid's shorts so I looked at it and I saw kid's leg. Her short is torn, with a very very BIG hole!!! ahahah. This is soooooooo funny la. I just can't stop laughing and as promised, I'm blogging about this. To share this funny incident with my other GFs. haha. [Qi, my kid encounter is funnier than yours right? Where she only said something wrong for your encounter. haha.] Lucky Cindy brought extra shorts la. So Kid can change on the spot. Cindy & Kid gave their 1st time changing in public to the shelter! haha. The whole its really BIG. Its really a 1 long torn from the top to the bottom. I wonder is anyone saw it. Kid said that no wonder she felt different. LOL.

We hurried our way and cycled all the way back as we feel tiny droplets of water. I've not covered such a long distance for very long and I can feel my tigh aching as I cycled back. Tiring arh. I need to exercise more to be fitter. Here comes what so nice about that bicycle shop, or maybe its only that guy that served us. He saw us at the entrance and told us to push our bikes in. Upon giving him the receipt, he looked at it and said," 可以了" I'm abit stunned so I asked him again," 可以啊?"  and he said ya. That guy is super nice la. We rent the 10bux bike for 1 hr and it is supposed to be 1hr for 1hr. We are only supposed to cycle for 2hrs but we went for like 4.5hrs instead. We are really happy when he din charged us extra. =D

My legs were wobbling and my butt is in pain after cycling. I feel so happy, completing more than 10km! I hope I did burn some fats away and I did not gain them back though my dinner. haa. Cindy's dad came and we went for dinner. Its a nice day out, where I feel fulfilling and not just nua-ing at home, wasting a beautiful day!


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