Wahaha 開心到~~~

I was so sO SO HAPPY when i saw this msg at abt 1.30am
"I bought your play card liao:) think next week ask someone pass to u lor" 
This is aint any normal play cards. They are play cards bought from Mr J French-Italian Restaurant!! WOHOO. I told the kind colleague of me (now is ex-colleague le) to help me check out Mr J and see if got the play cards cos he was going over for hols. Did told him to help me take the namecards too and see if can spot Jay there. ahaha. YEAPIEE! New items added to my Mr Jay's Collection! =)

Nevertheless, I hope I can be there myself at least once. I wanna go TW to try my fate and luck at both Mr J outlets, Phantaci, JVR, the bball court that Jay always play at and also visit 淡江音樂學校, the school Jay studied at and the school where 《不能說的秘密》was filmed at.
Hope my wishes come true!


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