Yes Yes Yes, I Know I've not been updating my blog and this is my 1st entry of the year, but I'm really very buzy lor. 

So far so good, it has been a wonderful 2008. Importants things that happen for the past 1mth:

18th Jan - Jay's Birthday and we celebrated his bdae with him at SINGAPORE! Wohoo. How many people get to celebrate bdae with him? How rare is the chance of him opening a concert during his birthday? It all happens here on 18-01-2008, at Singapore Indoor Stadium! Though the stage is not say very complicated, having lots of extented stage or what, I still love to see him perform. He is like so high on 18th, sweet talk so much! Its so rare to hear him sweet talk! The most memorable one - 谁要带我回家? Of cos I'm willing to do so. :P
19th Jan - 2nd Nite and also the last nite of Jay's concert. Though its only me and wq 自high-ing upstair at the balcony, I still enjoyed the concert to the max! Its different from the 1st nite, don't have Jay singing 白色风车, don't have the part where Jay force Nan Quan Ma Ma to sing the song that they wrote to suan Jay, don't have Jay asking us to sing him a Birthday song, don't have dan tou wearing lara's pink dress going up the stage trying hard to catch Jay and kiss him, don't have Jay sweet talking and lying on the stage after dancing as he was tired, but there is still Jay's Ah Ma dancing on the stage during 迷迭香, Nan Quan acting a short drama on 改编 version of 不能说的秘密. We were standing during the encore part, holding the boards and I think he saw us when he looked up. He was waving. =)
3rd Feb - The best day I ever hard for the year. Woke up early to rush down to the airport to welcome Jay when he arrived at around 11.30am. All the effort is worth it when saw he walking out, smiling and waving. After that hurried down to bugis - InterContinental Hotel for the press conference which is sechduled at 2.30pm. The feeling was great as there were only 40 fans able to be there to view it, and of cause all the 40 of them are VIP members from Jay2U. (Anyone interested in joining Jay's one and only official FC can contact me.) After that, when I thought there won't be chance for us again to take a group picture with him as he has left. But after waiting for like close to an hr, he once walked into the ball room, towards our direction. Of cause we were all so excited that we made abit of noise but we calm down qucikly. Being the moderator for the forum, I was told to be able to stand beside Jay by others, me and wanying a side each beside him. I felt as if its a dream, everything seems so unreal and I was super super happy at the point. Its just next to him! Wahaha. After that I passed him the marker and asked him to sign our banner. Although his management people didn't allow but Jay took the marker from me and signed. I was just directly infront of him when he was signing and keep staring at him. His complexion is good! So charming. lol. I don't think I'll ever forget that few sec. We went over to bugis square for the meet and greet session for Kung Fu Dunk promotion. It was raining and we can't get a good place to view thus we have decided to wait at the door there that he will walk pass when he comes out or leaving. He saw us and did waved to us while leaving. So happy =) But its really a tiring day as after that we hafta rush down to suntec for the gala premier. There was a cheerleading performance and 3 bball players from Singapore Slingers doing bball stunts, but my main concern is only my dearest. ahaha. My seat was far away from him and he seem so small on stage, like an ant only. haha. He didn't stayed for the movie due to the 1+am flight. It was a buzy day for him, having to rush here and there, accepting interviews from so many different media  personal. He must be very tired by then. 

 Half of my dream/wish is fulfilled. I wanna crop the group picture so that its left with just me and him! ahah. My dear kid, you know what to do next rite? muhahaha. I'm kind of regret of being lazy and not going down to suntec crocodile to collect 4 more lucky dip coupons, if not I've won the chance of taking picture with him. The 10 lucky winners get to take individual pix with Jay and a group photo together!! Ahhh. lady luck is not with me. However I've rec a sms form I-weekly sayin that I've won a Jay's concert merchandise. Hope is something that I didn't buy during the concert.

Okayy, enough of Jay and its about time to knock off. Happy New Year to all and of cause Happy Chinese New Year!!  I need more Ang Baos this year to replenish the hole that was created in my pocket due to Mr Jay. I wanna get the concert DVD+CD later!!
=) =) =) =) =)


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